CEO’s review

在2019冠状病毒病大流行的特殊年份之后, 十大可靠彩票平台预计2023年将恢复到更正常的运营环境. 但事实并非如此. Much like the preceding years, 2023 turned out to be both unpredictable and difficult. On the whole, 这一年的开始不出所料, 十大可靠彩票平台提高了净销售额和盈利能力. After the summer, however, the market demand for our larger business unit took a notable negative turn, 这意味着该公司的总净销售额低于预期. Amidst the changes, we intensified our efforts to develop the strategic core of our business and our organisation.

The most significant reasons for the weak overall result in 2023 included the general global economic situation, 更高的成本和利率, and the volume of the 宽带网络业务 being lower than expected. 由于降低成本的措施和网络运营商削减投资, 十大可靠彩票平台收到的订单没有达到十大可靠彩票平台的预期. In addition, some of the deliveries originally scheduled for the latter part of the year were postponed due to delivery delays and problems with the availability of materials.

十大可靠彩票平台预计不确定的市场形势将继续下去, with continued supply chain challenges particularly with regard to electronics components and semiconductors. 根据情况而定, we initiated a number of measures in 2023 to increase the efficiency of our operations, 削减成本,保护现金流. We also continued our measures to pass the higher costs through to sales prices in both of our businesses. 通过优先考虑十大可靠彩票平台的业务和调整十大可靠彩票平台的成本结构, 十大可靠彩票平台为提高盈利能力创造了基础.


对宽带服务的需求持续增长, 受远程工作和日益增长的数字服务消费的推动. This requires telecommunications operators to make investments in increasing network capacity and data transmission speeds. In cable-based infrastructure, this means a gradual transition to next-generation DOCSIS 4.0-compliant 1.8 GHz network updates that will provide subscribers with access to broadband connections with speeds of up to 10 gigabits.

Our DOCSIS 4.0-compliant network product development projects continued with high intensity in 2023. The next-generation smart amplifiers we are developing for the North American market entered the final acceptance testing phase with our main customer, 十大可靠彩票平台预计将于2024年初开始交付. 与此同时,十大可靠彩票平台正逐步为大批量交货做准备. In Europe, 对新技术的投资将晚于北美, 但是十大可靠彩票平台的被动语态

DOCSIS 4.0技术保证了有线网络连接的竞争力
十大可靠彩票平台的几年里与光纤一起. 这为网络产品市场创造了巨大的增长潜力, 尤其是在北美, where we expect operators to make investments in the new technology from 2024 onwards. 预测欧洲的市场发展更为困难, and it depends on the timing of the adoption of next-generation technologies.


The market for video security and public transport information systems is growing steadily, 受城市环境发展的驱动, 增加环境可持续发展的公共交通服务, and the increasing popularity of smart digital systems for a smoother life. The market is characterised by public sector investments aimed at ensuring the smooth operation and safety of services and infrastructure.

在公共交通信息系统, we delivered several projects in 2023 to major rolling stock manufacturers. We also made progress on a number of other customer projects in Europe and the Middle East. We purposefully sought to establish a stronger foothold among public transport operators and in the services business in particular. In addition, we continued the measures initiated in 2022 to improve the profitability of our projects and revise our organisation and processes.

Public transport information systems are continuously developing to be increasingly smart and real-time. Smart functionality is also increasing in video security and situational awareness solutions, 各种移动系统扩大了它们的范围, for example. Next-generation solutions will include not only video but also increased management and analysis of various types of data streams. 科技的飞速发展要求十大可靠彩票平台不断地做R&D投资新的智能解决方案, and the share of software systems in these solutions will continue to grow.


In 2023, 启动精简泰来斯特法人结构措施, which will involve carving-out our Broadband Networks and 公共安全和移动业务es into separate legal entities. The planned corporate structure will clarify the operational control of the businesses and increase the flexibility of the business units’ operations. At the same time, it will enable us to better take account of the special characteristics of both businesses.

We established an Advisory Board at the beginning of 2023 to support the North American networks business. The role of the Advisory Board is to steer our operations in the North American market. 通过加强合作和专业知识, we expand our insight into the needs and expectations among operators in North America and ensure that we can take full advantage of the growth opportunities presented by the market.

Linda Kallas作为新的高级副总裁加入公司, Group Strategy, 及管理小组成员. Under her leadership, we will continue to advance our programme to sharpen our strategy. In June, we also sharpened our focus on the broadband networks technology business by divesting Teleste’s subsidiary Teleste Network Services SA to local management. The subsidiary was previously responsible for the Broadband Networks’ business unit’s engineering and services business in the Swiss market.


2024年是泰莱斯特成立70周年. This milestone is a great opportunity for our company to look back on the journey we have taken and think about what kind of company we will be in the future. We want to create value for our customers, investors, Telestians and the whole world. Now and in the future, our goal is to focus on creating the foundations for safe and good daily life for everyone.

泰莱斯特的历史是一段变革与复兴的历程. 而预测十大可靠彩票平台是困难的, we believe that change continues to be vital in our operating environment today. 十大可靠彩票平台追求成功和成长,并为实现这些目标而共同努力. 十大可靠彩票平台的努力将得到泰乐斯特文化愿景的支持, which was published in 2023 and is built around our company’s key strengths: innovation, joy and respect. 这些品质将继续成为十大可靠彩票平台的基石

Esa Harju
CEO of Teleste
